Kolekcja TARANKO Jesień-Zima 2016/2017
Każda z nas ma wiele twarzy: w jednej uwodzimy delikatnością, by za chwilę dopuścić do głosu magnetyczną charyzmę. TARANKO najlepiej zna odcienie kobiecości i w najnowszej kampanii Kolekcja Jesień - Zima 16\17 czerpie z tej różnorodności. Chłodniejsza aura nie oznacza, że skryjemy się pod grubymi dzianinami i oversize'owymi fasonami. Przeciwnie, TARANKO nawet podczas zimowych wieczorów, stawia kobiecą sylwetkę na piedestale.
Every woman has many faces: in one moment we seduce with our subtlety, in next one our charisma has the voice. Taranko knows well all the shades of femininity and in the latest campaign for Collection Autumn - Winter 16 \ 17 draws from this diversity. Cooler weather does not mean that we should hide under the thick knits and oversized forms. On the contrary, Taranko even during winter evenings puts the feminine silhouette on pedestal.
Our new collection is a play with uncovering, which ignites the senses and will keep summer atmosphere for longer. With the end of the holidays, do not let openwork designs and laces disappear, but invite them to the autumn-winter mixing of patterns. Even if our new pieces has elegant form, you will feel warm and comfy wearing them, because their shapes have been created for a woman's figure. Soon you will see that our new collection smuggle hot temper on the streets, even when the temperature drops down.
Zobacz więcej: www.taranko.com