Well, maybe not as much new as refreshed :) This spring is quite exciting here, at Taranko. The first noticeable change is the refreshed logo. It’s not that we didn’t like the old one! It’s simply that after serving us for some 30 years it needed a slight retouch. Still, since you liked it and it constituted a great chunk of our brand's history, the changes aren't that significant.
Skoro tyle zaplanowaliśmy dla Was nowości, postanowiliśmy pójść za ciosem i odświeżyć również wygląd naszych salonów. Premierę nowego designu zarezerwowaliśmy dla nowo otwartego salonu Taranko w Starym Browarze w Poznaniu. To wyjątkowe i prestiżowe miejsce było idealne do prezentacji bardziej butikowego i nowoczesnego konceptu sklepu.
Since we had so many novelties for you, we’ve decided to go even further and refurbish our stores too. The new look had its premiere in the newly-opened Taranko store in the Stary Browar shopping centre in Poznań. This unique and prestigious location was ideal to present the new, modern and a more boutique-ish style of our stores.
Mamy nadzieję, że podobają się Wam nasze zmiany!:)
We hope you like the changes! :)